Monday, December 26, 2005

Biztalk VNEXT wish list

Stephen W. Thomas on his post BizTalk vNext (Biztalk 2008?) Wish List provided a list of what everyone is expecting from microsoft on his future realease of biztalk, summarizing:

- Convoy as a setting on the receive port
- Ability to suppress event log messages via a context property
- Better control over property promotion
- Checking a promoted property that does not exist does not throw an exception
- When a default value is set on a promoted property and it is associated with a schema the default value should always exist in the message context
- Support for multiple Acks and NAcks with send port groups

there are some interesting wishes posted like:

- Biztalk mapper can be definitely improved (looks like Microsoft is already working on this). some of the features which I would like are
  a. Ability to somehow access the promoted properties context inside the mapper.
  b. Search capabilities inside the map (not only on schema names)
  c. Error Handling capabilities inside a map


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